I’m Ryan! I’m an instructional design associate and graduate student at Arizona State University. I graduated in 2021 with a BSE in Engineering and minors in Chemistry and Applied Mathematics. Now, I work at the Fulton Schools of Engineering Learning and Teaching Hub, where I collaborate with faculty, multimedia designers, learning technologists, and others around the university to create pedagogically sound, interactive, and high-quality content for ASU’s academic enterprise.
I have an immense fascination with modern infrastructure, and am concurrently working on graduate degrees focusing on distributed generation in power distribution networks with the Laboratory for Energy and Power Solutions. As a human, I care deeply for other people and the environment, and I dream of a world with modern conveniences available for all, powered in a clean, sustainable way.
Many ask why I have a website. My question back to them is why don’t you? I get cool perks like my own domain (my email is [email protected], how cool is that), plus I get a place to document myself that’s visible to others. In a world of such digital importance, why not cut out the middleman and have an online environment that’s truly my own?